#StayHome April

This is a quick reminder that our general membership meeting, scheduled for this Thursday, April 2nd, is cancelled. We’re looking at options to keep this Club in touch and active, but in the meantime, here's a list of resources and ways to help during the COVID-19 crisis: Resources and local information: San Diego County: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/coronavirus/ California: https://covid19.ca.gov/ Unemployment benefits (including reduced hours) – California Employment Development Department: https://edd.ca.gov/about_edd/coronavirus-2019.htm Volunteer/Donation opportunities: (Please note – we know there are a ton of other opportunities available! We didn’t want to overwhelm members with options, so we’ve just listed a few here. Feel free to send us options you’d like to see included in our next newsletter.) San Diego Food Bank - https://sandiegofoodbank.org/ Jewish Family Service of San Diego - https://www.jfssd.org/healthupdate/ The American Red Cross of San Diego/Imperial Counties: Donate blood! The American Red Cross now faces a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Healthy individuals are needed now to donate to help patients counting on lifesaving blood. To make an appointment, visit - https://www.redcross.org/local/california/san-diego.html Just Serve (San Diego County) - https://www.justserve.org/sdcounty Call your neighbors/friends/family! A reminder to check in regularly with your community and your loved ones. Support local businesses: Local non-profit Discover PB has done an amazing job of putting together a list of open local businesses, their hours, and their available operations. It’s updated regularly - https://pacificbeach.org/covid-19-business-info/ Might we recommend a yummy breakfast from Kono’s Café or a pizza from Woodstock's Pizza delivered straight to your door? Contact the PB Dems Exec Board: If you are in need of any kind of assistance but unsure who to reach out to, please don’t hesitate to contact us at pbdc92109@gmail.com and let us know! We’re happy to do what we can to help our wonderful PBDC members, or at least get you connected with the right resources. 2020 Census You should have received an invitation in the mail by now to complete the 2020 Census. The importance of completing the Census cannot be overstated. Here are some resources on what the census is and why it is so important: What is the Census? - https://2020census.gov/en/what-is-2020-census.html Why the Census Matters (CA specific) - https://californiacensus.org/why-the-census-matters/ Completing the Census is easy and takes just a few minutes online! Please complete it for your household and encourage others to do the same. Stay well and please, stay home, PB Dems. With love, -PB Democratic Club Executive Board